
Saturday, July 14, 2012

Abdominal injuries, symptoms, signs and first aid to infected with open wound in the abdomen

The danger of wounds in the abdomen may be accompanied by injury of internal organs such as the intestines, liver and spleen.
Symptoms and signs of abdominal injuries.
- Severe pain.               - Nausea and vomiting.
 - Bruises.                     - Thirst.
 - External bleeding.     - The emergence of members of the abdomen.
 - Pale skin color.         - Feel the skin moist.
First Aid for infected with open wound in the abdomen

- Stop the bleeding and try to control it.
- Place the patient on his back with no move.
- Remove the clothing from around the wound.
- When there guts out of the abdomen through open wounds, should not be expedient to try  to back into the abdomen.
- Place the wet parts above the wound (moisturizes parts with cold water sterilizer,).
- Cover the parts with a warm towel.
- Note the symptoms of shock and give oxygen if possible.
- Do not give victim anything by mouth.
- Move victim to hospital immediately.

                                             Pelvic injuries                                                   

* Symptoms of pelvic injuries,  as symptoms of abdominal injuries.
* And may be associated with pelvic injuries injuring the internal organs of the body, such as bladder and bowel, and internal bleeding may happen and severe shock.
* Ambulance injuries, pelvic injuries,  as the abdomen.


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