
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Foreign bodies in the eye, and how to deal with it.

 eye injuries

Primary care for the sound eye injuries are very important, because they relieve pain, and also help prevent complications that can lead to vision loss, you should refrain completely from examination of the affected eye. Eyelids may be swollen or ruptured from traumatic injuries or peremptory, and usually becomes a ruby ​​red color, either the cornea, it is easy to wound exotic objects.
Foreign body in the eye (speck):
Exotic objects have sizes and types, and usually located under the upper eyelid or surface of the cornea, and eye irritation, and make the tears flowed in abundance, and wash the eye and may expel the foreign body.

Method Ambulance:
- Use the solution as boric lotion to the eye, or Sodam chloride solution to wash the eye, and if it does not exist open the eye under running water faucet to wash them gently.

 - Should not be trying to remove a foreign body on the cornea, as well as exotic objects that penetrate the body of the eyeball, but this must be by a specialist doctor.
- Covered by the suppression of the eye. Away from the surface of the eye and so prevents the penetration inside the UFO over the eyeball.

- It also should cover both eyes, even if the injury was in one eye, because the eyes are moving together, causing pain, and cover both eyes to prevent their movement and thus relieve pain in the affected eye.
- Remember that a person covered eyes can not vision, and may jittery fear, especially children, so you must make clear to the child or person with reason to cover the eye, so as not to resist and move more, turning from an injury of the eye. And should also help in the movement, and to understand the eye cover is temporary, until it is examined in the hospital.
Light injury to the eye:

UV light is absorbed by cells of the cornea surface, and cause separation from the deep cells, and leads to a feeling of pain and extreme sensitivity to light, and foreign body sensation in the eye.
This only happens to injury in welders, who do not use special glasses to protect eyes from UV light, and in these cases should be evacuated to the hospital immediately.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Definition of diarrhea and dehydration, the symptoms and signs, first aid.

Definition of diarrhea:

Diarrhea occurs when the person's bowel movement 3 times or more a day, and the stool is liquid.

Definition of drought:

 Drought occurs when a person loses large amounts of fluids and salts as a result of diarrhea, and leading to shock.

Important Note:
 Drought is very dangerous, and can lead to the death of the patient if not treated .

Signs of serious diarrhea:

1 - diarrhea continues for more than two days.
2 - watery diarrhea.
3 - vomiting continuously.
4 - constant thirst.
5 - high temperature.
6 - blood in the stool.
7-Severe cramps in the abdomen.
Symptoms of dehydration:
1 - dry tongue and mouth.
 2 - thirst.
 3 - a severe shortage in the amount of urine.
 4 - change in the degree of awareness.
First Aid:
 Give the person plenty of fluids by mouth, but if the victim is an infant gave him larger quantities of breast milk through lactation.
 Examples of liquids:
 1 - soup.
 2 - water rice - starch.
3 - yoghurt with water.
 4 - rehydration solution (and this is the solution is the best treatment methods, and I advise that resides in every house, and the powder is mixed with water) (Note that the percentage of water added to the powder rehydration carefully).
Important Note: The preparation of rehydration solution daily, and does not keep for more than 24 hours.
How to give rehydration solution:
1 - given a teaspoon of the solution every minute or two for children less than two years.

2 - If the patient's age was more than two years, is giving him frequent sips of the solution.
3 - If the patient vomits, wait 10 minutes and then slowly give more sense of each 3:4 minutes.
4 - You can use other liquids at home next to the rehydration solution.
5 - Give water to the patient with copious amounts, except for children less than two years.
6 - Give the person large quantities of foods, starchy foods and add, and mix with a little bit of oil, give the patient fresh juices or mashed banana.
7 - Give small meals and repeated several times a day.
8 - When the diarrhea stopsgave the patient an extra meals for two weeks, to compensate for the loss of the patient's body.
9 - not given any medication without consulting a doctor, and if you notice that the situation gets worse (such as lack of acceptance of the patient for any sort of lotion or food or Sail) because of the severity of vomiting or low blood pressure should transfer the patient to the hospital to give intravenous fluids and medications necessary for the ambulance case .

Friday, July 20, 2012

Definition of drowning and how to save the drowning , and how to make first aid to him

Definition of drowning:
 Drowning usually happens when water or prevent any liquid from entering the air passed through the human mouth and nose, inhibiting breathing and blood circulation. Possible to happen drowning in deep water, as it is possible to happen in shallow water, if water covered, the person's nose and the face of a drowning man.

Children are most vulnerable to drowning because they:
1 - can not determine the depth of the water.
2 - can not swim.
3 - do not have enough power, which enables them to get out of difficult situations

First aid for drowning:

Of course, the person must be a savior swim.
But when you save the drowning, must be attention to be a lifesaver behind the drowning man, so that a drowning man is not about him, and drown him.
1 - Lift the drowning person's head above water, and move it to a safe area.
2 - If the injured person unconscious do the following steps:
- Clean the airway.
- Open the course of the airways.
- Do not waste time trying to expel water from the lungs, and immediately start making the respirator, or heart massage if necessary.

- If the person is breathing, place him in recovery position.                                                       


- If the person is not breathing, start the process of reviving the heart and breathing.
- In the case of recovery of a drowning man to consciousness, it is possible that the vomiting, and in this case, place in recovery position, so do not enter the water (vomiting) to the lungs.
- Move the person drowned, to the hospital immediately.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Ambulance biting, bites and stings.

Divided into:
1 - biting animals (dogs - cats).
2 - stinging insects (bees - the Law).
3 - bites of reptiles (the snake - Scorpio).
 4 - bite humans.
 5 - Capacity jellyfish.
Dealing with biting animals:

1 - Control the amount of bleeding, if any bleeding.

2 - Wash the bite well with soap and water, for a period of (5-10) minutes (to get rid of saliva).
3 - put clean parts.
4 - should be given tetanus vaccination.

Dealing with insect bites:

1 - Try to get rid of the needles, which are mosquito pushed it back in the skin of the patient, by fingernails.
2 - Wash the sting with water and soap.
3 - covered the sting clean dressing.
4 - Put cold compresses on the sting, to relieve pain and swelling.
5 - Note if there are any symptoms of allergic reactions of the patient, and then must transfer the injured to hospital.

Allergic reactions caused by insect bites:
It's kind of poisoning caused shock within seconds or minutes after the sting, (for people who suffer from allergies).
Symptoms, the sensitivity of poisoning by stings:
* Symptoms of shock (see symptoms of shock).           
* Tight in the chest.             * Nausea                  
* Difficulty in breathing.
* Swelling of face, especially around the eye.
 *Fainting may happen.
 Dealing with bites of reptiles:
Scorpion bite:
1 - Wash the sting site with soap and water.
2 - Put cold compresses on the sting site.
3 - Move victim to the hospital to give the necessary serum and topical treatment.
 The bite of the snake:

 1 - Try to calm and reassure the patient.
2 - Wash the sting site with soap and water.
3 - Make a continuous suction through the vent on the place of injury.
4 - Make ice compresses on the place of injury.
5 - Place the strap over the place of a mild sting, to bridge the lymph channels.
6 - Prevent the movement of the patient, to reduce the chance of absorption of the poison in the blood.
7 - shock treatment (if any shock to the patient).
8 - Move victim to the hospital to give the serum and the necessary treatment.

Dealing with human bite:

* If any bleeding turn it off.

* Wash the wound and cleaned.

* Put any antibiotic cream, to kill bacteria, then place the sterile parts.

Ambulance capacity of jellyfish:

* Do not touch the place of injury, so that you also are not affected.

* Place the salt water over the place of injury (do not put regular water because it increases the stings).

* If you can shave the hair at the site of injury, do so, and get rid of the cream product, because it contains a wide range of cells.

* Place the hot water over the place of injury, (the highest temperature borne by the patient), because heat kills the poison jellyfish.

* If you have some white vinegar or ammonia, place a little vinegar or ammonia diluted, so that the equation of the poison.

* You can use painkillers.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Definition of poisoning, symptoms and signs of poisoning, first aid for all the different cases of poisoning.

Definition of poisoning:
 Poisoning is the arrival of any material for the body, resulting in a detrimental effect vital body processes, either by injection or ingestion, inhalation or skin.
Signs and symptoms of poisoning:
* Symptoms and signs may be sudden and sharp, and appear in less than a minute and up

 to 36 hours, and may appear slowly and symptoms and signs of chronic, and here you
need to consult a medical specialist, for convergence of the cases of other diseases.
*Risk, increases in children and the elderly.

*Signs and symptoms are localized, indicating a place of entry, or symptoms in general, indicate the toxicity of vital organs of the body such as:
   - Skin: itching, redness, swelling, burning topical.
 - Respiratory:sneezing, coughing, choking, shortness of breath.

. -Gastrointestinal: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, cramps and pains in the stomach.

 - system brain and nerves: 
# Materials stimulant (such as ephedrine and amphetamine, cocaine, arsenic, mercury)
causes irritation of the nervous system, and its symptoms are: change in the degree of
consciousness, delirium, involuntary movements, Seizures, convulsions, vomiting, blurred,
tingling the parties.
 # Narcotic substances such as: (hypnotic and sedative drugs, cannabis opium),

causing drowsiness and falling of the nervous system and symptoms: dizziness and sense
of faint, slow breathing, weak pulse, coma and death may follow.

- Heart and circulatory system :(shock symptoms).

First Aid for poisoning infected through the skin.
* You must wear gloves to avoid exposure to toxic material.
* You must remove the infected clothing prone to this article.

* Wash your skin with running water for a while, and wash well under nails and hair.

* If the substance is toxic (phenol) Place the olive oil on the skin before washing.

* If the toxin (insecticides) must wash with soap and water.
First aid in case of eye exposure to the toxic substance:

* Eye is washed with running water for at least 20 minutes and the direction of washing

From the inside out (away from the other eye).
1-First aid for overdose of drugs and Spoiled foods:
- Do not wait for symptoms, do industrial vomiting by touching the palate.
- Repeated vomiting after 10 minutes, until the stomach becomes empty, and can give a little milk, and repeat the process of industrial vomiting after 15 minutes.
- Call an ambulance, and continued to note the patient.
- Start immediately revive the heart and breathing if necessary.

2 - First aid for poison gas poisoning:

- Do not wait for the emergence of symptoms, and Move victim immediately to fresh air, away from the source of poison gas, and tried to stop the gas supply.
- Give oxygen, if any, and ask for an ambulance.
- Note the breathing and pulse of the patient.
- Intervention revitalization heart and breathing if necessary.
- The patient must be displayed on any point of medical, even if the situation has improved, because the elimination of toxins are inhaled slowly and consistently.
Examples of toxic gases:
- Carbon Monoxide: burning wood, car exhaust, igniting the coal.

- Butane (gas burner).                                                                                                               
 - Ammonia and chlorine gas: frequently used in various industries.                                     
- Alheirugen sulfide gas: from public sewers and garbage dumps

3 - First Aid for dealing with industrial materials:    

  Caustic soda, battery acid, industrial detergents, industrial glue, paint remover, types of fertilizer.                                                                                                                        

Symptoms and signs
Caustic / burning topical: the lips - the oral cavity and pharynx _ fingers and chest.
First Aid: do not do industrial vomiting, cold water to drink heavily and topical, absorption of snow,

-  chlorine, ammonia, Kiossin, gasoline, Disinfectants wounds
The signs and symptoms: caustic, but less symptoms of the material mentioned above, may generate gases cause problems for the respiratory tract.
First Aid: do not do industrial vomiting, cold water to drink heavily and topical. Possible to drink milk.

Important instructions:
- Do not give salt water never, to do an industrial vomiting.
- Do not do industrial vomiting in the following cases:
* Case of fainting.
* State of the inability to swallow.
* State of the convulsions.
In case of poisoning by caustic such as: (a caustic Sod, kerosene, gasoline, ammonia, chlorine, detergents)
- Do not store never any chemicals in cans or bottles are trading for other things such as: (bottles, mineral water, a bottle of carbonated water, milk cans, canned food).
- Be prepared with the following information: the type of material, the time taken up, inhaled, or abuse, any retained secretions (urine - stools - vomiting), and the possibility to identify the substance causing the poisoning case.
