
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Bleeding definition, causes, complications, types, and ways to resuscitate it.

The definition of bleeding:

Bleeding is the loss of a large amount of blood outside the blood circulation.

Causes of bleeding:

1 - blood diseases such as lack of factors that help clotting (platelets).
2 - wounds and injuries.
 3 - during or after surgery.
 4 - result of the explosion and the bleeding blood vessel, such as bleeding from the duodenal ulcer - tuberculosis respiratory - oesophageal varices .....
. 5 - continued use of certain drugs which lead to blood thinners such as aspirin.

Bleeding complications (very important).

 1 - lose blood
 2 - shock                        =             Death
3 - Pain
4 - microbial contamination

How to stop the bleeding

1) Wash your hands with soap and water and wear gloves to protect yourself.

2) If a party to the part that bleeds upper or lower, then raise it above heart level to reduce the bleeding.

3) Press the place directly above the bleeding using a bandage

4) If bleeding does not stop clicking your highest level to close the bleeding artery fed (if the red blood opening) or by pressing the bottom level to close the bleeding vein (if blood is dark red).
5) If the bleeding does not stop, do the arterial pressure (tourniquet) and are made in case of bleeding and the parties do not work only after the failure of all previous attempts, because they lead to prevent the circulation of the party  as a whole (very serious).

- How is the work of the arterial pressure?

Wrap a piece of broad cloth over twice the level of bleeding, and then make a node and then the other node, place a wooden stick or a pen and then roll the stick or pen until the closure of the artery completely.

Write the time you work pressure of the arteries, because you are removing the pressure every 20 minutes for 20 seconds until the blood passes to the injured party (to avoid gangrene).

6) When the bleeding stops or slows down we have to make a bandage:

- Specification that the bandage should be used:

* it must be sterile.

* it must be of material does not stick to the wound.

* it must have the ability to absorb the blood well.

- Wrap the bandage over the wound, to occur direct pressure, and at the same time to cause pieces of the blood of the parties (can work choose to know you bandage wrapped firmly or not, and that by raising the party who is bleeding above the level of the heart, and pressure with the fingers on the hand or foot, as if the party who returned to bleed pink color of the skin after more than two seconds of pressure, this indicates that the bandage wrapped hard and must be expanded)

- If the bandage soaked place above the other, and if saturated second place third, if saturated, remove the second, third and so on ... Does not remove the bandage so as not to lose the first blood clot that formed to stop the bleeding (the maximum number of bandages is three).
Types of bleeding:

 - External bleeding

 Is a blood loss through injury of the skin.

 Internal bleeding:

 In these cases could be out of the blood inside the body to the outside through natural openings, such as the following cases
: 1 - bleeding from the nose (epistaxis).
2 - bleeding from the stomach (vomiting contagious).
3 - bleeding from the urethra
Bleeding from the anus (rectal bleeding).
Bleeding from the vagina (vaginal bleeding).
And there are other cases where there is internal bleeding, and no blood comes out of the human body (such as brain bleeding ) :-
Note the symptoms of shock:(Shock, the possibility of internal bleeding.

A cold sweat
Very weak.
Rapid and weak pulse.
Breathe slowly and deeply.
                                                           {Bleeding ear}
Ambulance bleeding ear
 *The patient is sitting or lying on his back.

* Leaning his head on the ear, which bled.

* Place a clean bandage over the ear and plug pressure bandages.
*Not packed with gauze infected ear.

If the bleeding is the result of wound surface in the outer part does not transfer the patient to the hospital.

In case of bleeding from the inner ear move the injured to hospital.

                                                          {Bleeding nose}

Causes of nose bleeding

* Wound in the nose.

* Punch to the nose.

* Dryness of the mucous membranes lining the nose.

* The continued use of some medications that cause blood thinners such as aspirin.

* Develop a foreign body in the nose.

* Inflammation of the nose.

* Rise in blood pressure.

Ambulance bleeding nose.

* The patient sits leaning forward.

* Avoid raising the head of the injured back and to avoid swallowing blood or inhaled.

* Place the ice over the nose.

* Must avoid the infected nose suffered any injuries.

Ambulance vaginal bleeding (pregnant woman, or after birth).

1 - lift the pelvic area and put a pillow.
2 - cold compresses on the abdomen.
3 - annexation of the thighs instead of direct pressure.
     Important Note           
In case of bleeding from the anus or urethra or vagina, or the stomach, the patient is transferred immediately to the hospital.
Signs of serious bleeding
1 - continued bleeding despite a large amount of pressure on the place of bleeding for at least 15 minutes.
2 - a severe pain.
3 - bleeding from the vagina of a pregnant woman, or after birth.
4 - out of blood, of the human body openings.
5 - shock.