Divided into:
1 - biting animals (dogs - cats).
2 - stinging insects (bees - the Law).
3 - bites of reptiles (the snake - Scorpio).
1 - biting animals (dogs - cats).
2 - stinging insects (bees - the Law).
3 - bites of reptiles (the snake - Scorpio).
4 - bite humans.
5 - Capacity jellyfish.
5 - Capacity jellyfish.
Dealing with biting animals:
1 - Control the amount of bleeding, if any bleeding.
Dealing with insect bites:
The bite of the snake:
1 - Try to calm and reassure the patient.
2 - Wash the sting site with soap and water.
3 - Make a continuous suction through the vent on the place of injury.
4 - Make ice compresses on the place of injury.
5 - Place the strap over the place of a mild sting, to bridge the lymph channels.
6 - Prevent the movement of the patient, to reduce the chance of absorption of the poison in the blood.
7 - shock treatment (if any shock to the patient).
8 - Move victim to the hospital to give the serum and the necessary treatment.
Dealing with human bite:
2 - Wash the bite well with soap and water, for a period of (5-10) minutes (to get rid of saliva).
3 - put clean parts.
4 - should be given tetanus vaccination.
Dealing with insect bites:
1 - Try to get rid of the needles, which are mosquito pushed it back in the skin of the patient, by fingernails.
2 - Wash the sting with water and soap.
3 - covered the sting clean dressing.
4 - Put cold compresses on the sting, to relieve pain and swelling.
5 - Note if there are any symptoms of allergic reactions of the patient, and then must transfer the injured to hospital.
Allergic reactions caused by insect bites:
It's kind of poisoning caused shock within seconds or minutes after the sting, (for people who suffer from allergies).
Symptoms, the sensitivity of poisoning by stings:
* Symptoms of shock (see symptoms of shock).
* Tight in the chest. * Nausea
* Difficulty in breathing.
* Swelling of face, especially around the eye.
*Fainting may happen.
Dealing with bites of reptiles:
Scorpion bite:
1 - Wash the sting site with soap and water.
2 - Put cold compresses on the sting site.
3 - Move victim to the hospital to give the necessary serum and topical treatment.
2 - Put cold compresses on the sting site.
3 - Move victim to the hospital to give the necessary serum and topical treatment.
1 - Try to calm and reassure the patient.
2 - Wash the sting site with soap and water.
3 - Make a continuous suction through the vent on the place of injury.
4 - Make ice compresses on the place of injury.
5 - Place the strap over the place of a mild sting, to bridge the lymph channels.
6 - Prevent the movement of the patient, to reduce the chance of absorption of the poison in the blood.
7 - shock treatment (if any shock to the patient).
8 - Move victim to the hospital to give the serum and the necessary treatment.
Dealing with human bite:
* If any bleeding turn it off.
* Wash the wound and cleaned.
* Put any antibiotic cream, to kill bacteria, then place the sterile parts.
* Wash the wound and cleaned.
* Put any antibiotic cream, to kill bacteria, then place the sterile parts.