
Sunday, July 08, 2012

Definition and causes burns and how to deal with it.

Definition of burns:

Injuries that arise from the body is exposed to external stimulation very hot or caustic chemicals or direct flame.
Causes of burns:
1 - dry heat such as flame.
2 - moist heat such as hot liquids.
3 - electric shock.
4 - the burning rays of the sun
5 - chemicals such as acids and alkalis.
Degrees of burns:

- The first class:
- Occurs only for the first layer of skin, the skin is red, warm and dry with mild swelling and a feeling of pain .
- Healed completely within a week.

Second-degree burn:

- Be burn burn deeper than the first class, where the first layer and part of the second layer, with the emergence of bubbles, visible redness and swelling and a feeling of severe pain.
- Heal through (2-3 weeks), leaving a scar and change in skin color.

Third degree burn:
 -The injured person loses the entire layer of skin and may burn up to the muscles and bones, and the patient loses the sense of pain as a result damage to sensory organs, and it seems the skin burned charred landscape.
 - Healed leaving a scar and may require skin grafts.

Important instructions:

1 - Do not remove anything stuck on the burning part.
 2 - Do not put cotton medically above the burning.
 3 - Do not put the sticker Mhima to link the parts above the burning.
4-- Do not put ice - toothpaste - margarine - butter - over the burning oil as believed by some people.
5-Do not Pfqa bubbles resulting from the burn because they contain useful to the burning plasma.

Signs of serious burns:

Increasing the area of ​​the burning 20% of the area of ​​the body for adults and 10% for children. 
 2 - burning of the face or hands or chest. 
 3 - a deterioration in the degree of awareness of the patient.
Ambulance burns:

 Aims ambulance burns to:

 Scare away the pain - pollution prevention - treatment of shock.

First aid for burns resulting from simple dry heat and hot liquids:
1 - beyond the injured from the place of danger.

2 - Remove burned clothing unless stuck to skin that simply cutting around it.

3 - Remove any accessories such as time and the ring before swelling occurs in the burning.

4 - Check the airway, breathing and blood circulation.

5 - then expose the burning of the cold water running for 15 minutes or until the disappearance of pain, and avoid using ice or cold water as this may prevent burning from burning heat to burn the snowy, and to avoid also the descent of cold water over burning directly, but Make it down smoothly.
6- Place the cream for burns over the place of burning and then Cover the burn with gauze petrolatum. 
 7- Call an ambulance immediately if the burn is second degree or third
8 - Wash your hands and Protect yourself and others.
First aid for burns caused by chemical substances:

Chemicals are often acids or alkalis. Which affects the skin and the eye.
1 - Remove the clothing immediately infected person.
 2 - Wash the patient's body with copious water for at least 30 minutes.
3 - Cover the patient with a clean sheet.
 4 - Do not use oils or ointments and do not remove the bubbles or the skin.
 5 - ask for an ambulance immediately.

6 - In the case of burning quicklime:

- Beware of the water situation over the burning, because the water reacts with the lime and increase the burn.

- Use a brush to remove the lime and then just deal with it as we mentioned in the case of burning heat.

 In case of eye exposure to the chemical:

Showing the eye to running water for at least 20 minutes with the continued opening with your finger. 
  - If the victim is wearing contact lenses ask him to remove it  .

First aid for burns Electrical:

1 - Disconnect the power immediately before touching the patient.

2 - beyond the patient in the case of where using something non-conductive of electricity such as dry rope - a wooden stick .....

3 - Check the airway, breathing and blood circulation.
- Start immediately in the process of recovery of the heart and breathing if necessary.

4 - Cover the burn dressing sterile and moist.

5 - Call an ambulance immediately.
In case of burning rays of the sun:

First: How to avoid this from happening?

  1 - avoid the sun from 10 am to 4 pm .

2 - Use a sunscreen (Sun Block).

3 - Wear light-colored clothing to reflect the rays of the sun.

4 - Wear a hat and sunglasses.

  Second: What do you do if there is sun burn? 

 1 - Presentation of the burning cold water and if possible the patient take a warm bath.

2 - Give the patient (aspirin) to reduce pain and fever.

3 - the patient resting in a cool room air and in a comfortable position.

4 - when you are out in the sun once again be covered place burning and the use of a protective against the sun.

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